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What’s the difference between a personal trainer and an AL-P?

A personal trainer or fitness coach is someone who can help someone become stronger, fitter, and increase their performance.⁠

An AL-P is a professional who can help those people who haven’t been able to find a solution for their problems in the healthcare system OR in the fitness industry.⁠

An AL-P can effectively and accurately screen the needs of someone who:⁠

✅ Is dealing with chronic pain, ⁠
✅ Is dealing with chronic diseases⁠
✅ Has an injury, but doesn’t require physical therapy or doctor’s care. ⁠
✅ is post-op and completed their prescribed rehab but isn't ready for full-on fitness yet.⁠
✅ hasn’t found a solution in the fitness industry. ⁠

An AL-P can take a person who cannot train with the average trainer or coach and meet them where they are. ⁠

We provide education, exercise, and mentorship to empower a life of freedom, without compromise. ⁠

AL-Ps are different from physical therapists and other clinicians in that most traditional physical therapists focus on restoring a person's ADLs (activities of daily living) while AL-Ps focus on ADIs (activities of daily interest).⁠

This is a completely new industry.⁠

This is not fitness.⁠

This is not healthcare.⁠

It’s right in the middle, bridging the gap between the two.⁠

If you currently deal with chronic pain, or chronic disease, and are tired of having to stop going to the gym because “it hurts”, and are tired of taking short-term medications for chronic issues, let’s talk. ⁠

I can help you.⁠

What is a PMA?

A Private Membership Association (“PMA”) is men and woman collectively asserting and standing upon their rights to determine what devices, products, procedures, advice, or services will be most beneficial for them; and Men and women collectively asserting and standing upon their right to Provide and share, legal and lawful services, procedures, advice, counsel, tips and any other information or services which may be deemed beneficial to Association members and freely share, discuss, and obtain, exchange, view and/or use information and services by members of the Association, and the right to determine for ourselves which products, services, tips, advice, and counsel is most beneficial to us without the information being censored through regulation or restriction upon these rights.


A PMA is like a private family (PMA creator = the head of the family; PMA members = family members). Just like in a close family, what is communicated or happens inside a family’s private home, among only family members are private matters generally immune from and not subject to censorship/control by any administrative agency of any government.


PMAs have an established history and maintain a significant and unique standing in law; they are generally immune from most, if not all, state and federal Public Laws. The exception would be if the activities of the association present a "clear and present danger of a substantial evil". The phrase “clear and present danger of a substantial evil” can be more easily interpreted as activity that causes an immediate threat of serious harm or death.

Why are they immune from public laws? They are private, not public. The ability to form a PMA and the protections afforded by a properly formed PMA seem to be new information to many people but they are not a new concept. You have the right to assemble and to associate. That right has always been there. Private Membership Associations have been around for a very long time.

What are some examples of Private Membership Association?

Private Associations are commonly known as Private Membership Association, Private Education Association, Private Health Association, Private Ministerial Association (Faith based organization or FBO), Private Drinking Club, Private Social Club, Private Fraternal Organization, and others. Examples may be Drinking is allowed inside “private clubs” in “dry counties” in states of The united States of America where the sale of alcohol to the public is restricted or illegal; smoking is allowed inside “cigar bars” or "private clubs" in states having public laws prohibiting smoking in government buildings and in buildings open to the public; membership is restricted and only private rules apply inside private golf, baseball, football, soccer and other sports clubs; Men’s, Women’s, Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs; the Cub, Brownie, Boy and Girl Scouts of America; the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (N.A.A.C.P.); the American Medical Association; and, even the state and national BAR Associations, all of which are various forms of a PMA, and they generally follow only their own rules (bylaws).

What does it mean to be a member?

It means that you agree to interact with us and our community on a private level. 

Are there membership fees?

Nope! Membership is always free. 

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